Donate Now and Help Direct $30k to Endorsed Candidates
Our first Donation Round is live - it's time to support our champions in 2022.
The general election is 211 days away but the midterms are starting to get rolling. It’s time to start donating to our champions and candidates of all kinds so we can build legislative support for crypto in the US House of Representatives and Senate.
So, drum roll please… we’re ready to start HODLpac Donation Round #1! We’re a little late based on our announcement last week but, as they say, better late that never. And, don’t worry, we’re just getting started.
Let’s hop into it…
How to Participate in HODLpac’s Donation Rounds

Here’s how it works.
Step One:
Visit and view a list of every candidate on the ballot in 2022.
Step Two:
Select up to 10 candidates to donate to at once, in fiat (credit/debit card) and 70+ cryptoassets. It’ll show up as one transaction for you and we’ll distribute according to the amounts you specify for each candidate.
Reminder: You can donate to any candidate you want through HODLpac! Your donation will be passed through directly to the campaign(s) you select to donate to.
Want to support your favorite local candidate? Find them by searching by name or state.
Want to donate to crypto champions? Use our HODLscore rankings to get a better idea of which candidates are the best to support.
However, most importantly, if you want to help direct $30,000 of HODLpac’s own funds to candidates, donate to any of our 18 currently endorsed candidates. The $30,000 will be distributed based on the donation decisions of the community, via quadratic funding matching. Remember:
The TLDR of quadratic funding is that matching totals are determined by the number of contributors (in this case, to a certain politician) moreso than the amount funded.
This means that someone who gives $10 to a candidate (or multiple) and gets two or three friends to join along has a bigger impact on how HODLpac is donating than one person who gives $100. Depending on how (and how many) others donate, you could direct thousands of dollars of HODLpac funds to your candidates of choice!
During checkout, you will also have the option of contributing to a matching pool for future donation rounds - please consider doing so to help us continue our activism.
Step Three
Fill in your information. We collect the following:
Name, email, and wallet address (for receiving HODLpac tokens and NFTs)
FEC compliance information: address (home or work), employer, and occupation.
Step Four
Rejoice! You are now a member of a cryptonative political organization fighting on behalf of the crypto’s future in the United States.
HODLpac Twitter Space - Thursday, April 14th @ 4:30pm ET
Join us on Twitter at 4:30pm ET on Thursday, April 14th for a Space with HODLpac Endorsement Committee members and others in the community.
We’re going to discuss the importance of political giving, how HODLpac works, how you can get involved, and where we’re going next!
Disclaimer: HODLpac is a FEC-registered hybrid political action committee and is not legally affiliated with any party, party committee, candidate or candidate committee.