HODLpac sits at the juncture of two otherwise separate worlds: that of politics and that of crypto.
Today, 43 days out from the election, things are heating up in both.
It’s time for HODLpac to make an impact. We’re kicking off a fundraising push from now until October 21st, when we’ll hold our first HODLpac Community Ballot to decide which candidates deserve our support.
Let’s talk about why this is worth the crypto community’s time…
In the world of politics, the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday has added potent fuel to the all-consuming partisan fire.
In the world of crypto, 2020 has witnessed an outburst of the potential energy trapped under the surface during the bear market #buidl phase of the last couple of years.
HODLpac exists because as our community builds the digital infrastructure upon which new eras of finance and technology will grow, we must do everything we can to keep it safe from the political fray.

Specifically, we need to win over our representatives in Congress and support those who champion our causes. And one of the best ways to do that - whether we like it or not - is to raise and donate money.
So, as you know, that’s why we built HODLpac: a crypto-native political action committee. Read more: https://hodlpac.substack.com/p/hodlpac-v2
It is now time to act.
We want to raise $21,000 over the next 30 days to donate to crypto champions on Capitol Hill. We’ve already raised $5,000 of that goal. We need your help raising the rest (and, hopefully, even more).
As always, those who donate will earn HODLvote tokens which can be used during our Community Ballot to decide who we should support.
If you’re still reading, donate with the button below and earn 2.5x your donation amount if you’re part of the first $5,000 raised through this link.
Thank you to all of you who have donated, read our emails, listened to our podcasts, followed us on Twitter, etc. over the past few months.
Remember, if you want to help raise money for HODLpac - and earn HODLvotes by getting others to donate - email us at hello@hodlpac.org and we’ll send you a unique donation link to track your contributions.
Also, if you haven’t yet, check out the HODLscore section on our website, and our new token-permissioned Discord server.
Finally, if you’ve donated to HODLpac or are a subscriber to this newsletter and you haven’t received your HODLvote tokens, shoot us an email at hello@hodlpac.org with your Metamask address and we’ll send them to you right away!