Members of HODLpac,
Today is the day! Voting on HODLpac’s 2020 Community Ballot is now live.
Voting will be open until 11:59pm on Monday, October 26th.
Here is how it works:
Claim your tokens.
If you’ve donated money, shared your email, and/or subscribed to our newsletter, then we owe you HODLvote tokens.
Fill out this Google Form and we’ll send you your tokens ASAP.
Remember: HODLvotes are on Rinkeby and the token address for HODLvotes is 0x09f75249B3FC68983A721fbac9c83e0ccb88c4D1
Log in and connect your wallet to the Community Ballot page.
Sign in with the email you’ve used for HODLpac, create an account, and connect your wallet.
Vote for which candidates you think HODLpac should support.
Once you are logged in and your wallet is connected to the Community Ballot page, you can vote for which candidates you want to receive donations.
We’re donating $7,500 to 10 candidates. The top 5 vote-getters will receive $1,000 each and the next 5 get $500.
Remember: HODLpac uses quadratic voting so votes for a candidate on the Community Ballot costs the square of the number of votes in HODLvotes.
1 vote for Candidate X costs 1 HODLvote, 2 votes for Candidates X costs 4 HODLvotes, 3 votes costs 9 HODLvotes, and so on. Down-voting is allowed and costs the same!
To vote, click on the +1 (or -1) under a candidate’s name (also, click on their name to view their HODLscore page).
You’ll see your token balance decrease “quadratically” as described above.
Press Cast Votes to make it official. You’ll need Rinkeby Eth to do this (we send you some when you get HODLvote tokens but email if you need more!).
Important: Once you cast your votes for a candidate, you are unable to vote for them again. So be careful and don’t press that button too soon!
That’s it! Any questions? Email or post in our Discord.
Special thanks to our friends at Peeps Democracy for building our Community Ballot, check them out at