We’re hosting a Twitter Space fundraiser for Shrina Kurani, Democratic candidate in California’s 41st District, tonight at 6pm PT / 9pm ET.
You’re invited! Set a reminder:

Shrina is an engineer, entrepreneur, and former employee of Republic Crypto. Our industry would benefit immensely from having someone with her hands-on crypto experience in Congress, helping to educate other members and spread the good word about public blockchain technology and the cryptoeconomy.
This is evident when you read Shrina’s responses to HODLpac’s Candidate Questionnaire. An excerpt:
With blockchain technology, we can democratize access to financial services, remove friction in asset ownership, and streamline broken processes in the government bureaucracy. This country needs representatives in DC who advocate for a future that gives us more transparency, ownership, and freedom.
HODLpac has already donated $2,098.72 to Shrina’s campaign, matching $151 from 4 donors that gave through HODLpac in our last Donation Round.
The PAC contribution limit is $5,000 to a candidate for the primaries, so that means we have $2,902 left to give to max out.
We’ll be matching each dollar given at the below link, $1 to $1, until we hit that $2,902 figure.
If you’re unable to attend tonight but want to support Shrina’s campaign, please consider clicking the link above and sending a few dollars (or sats) her way!
Disclaimer: HODLpac is a FEC-registered hybrid political action committee and is not legally affiliated with any party, party committee, candidate or candidate committee.